FancyPlugins Help

Getting started



You can download FancyHolograms at the following places:

Plugins folder

Put the downloaded file into the plugins folder of your server.

    Restart server

    Restart your server.

    1. Run "/stop" in the server console.

    2. Start the server again.

    Checking plugin

    To make sure the plugin is loaded correctly, run the following command:

    1. /fancyholograms version

    2. It should output the version of the plugin.

    Create your first hologram

    Create text hologram

    Run the following commands to create your first hologram:

    1. /hologram create text myHologram

    2. A hologram with the name "myHologram" should appear.

    Modify hologram text

    Run the following command to modify the hologram text:

    1. /hologram edit myHologram addLine this is the second line

    2. A second line should appear with the text "this is the second line"

    3. Set the text of a line with: /hologram edit myHologram setLine 1 first line

    4. The first line should now have the text "first line"

    5. Remove a line with: /hologram edit myHologram removeLine 2

    6. The second line should now be removed.

    Move the hologram to you

    Run the following command to move the hologram to you:

    1. /hologram edit myHologram moveHere

    2. The hologram should now be at your location.

    Move the hologram to a specific location

    Run the following command to move the hologram to specific coordinates:

    1. /hologram edit myHologram moveTo 127 61 347

    2. The hologram should now be at the coordinates x=127 y=61 z=347

    Modify hologram background

    Run the following command to modify the hologram background:

    1. /hologram edit myHologram background green

    2. The hologram background should now be green.

    Last modified: 30 May 2024