Getting started
You can download FancyNpcs at the following places:
Plugins folder
Put the downloaded file into the plugins folder of your server.
Restart server
Restart your server.
Run "/stop" in the server console.
Start the server again.
Checking plugin
To make sure the plugin is loaded correctly, run the following command:
/fancynpcs version
It should output the version of the plugin.
Create your first NPC
Create NPC
Run the following commands to create your first NPC:
/npc create myNpc
A npc with the name "myNpc" should appear.
Modify NPCs display name
Run the following command to modify the NPCs display name:
/npc displayname myNpc New display name!
The NPCs display name should now be "New display name".
Move the NPC to you
Run the following command to move the NPC to you:
/npc move_here myNpc
The NPC should now be at your location.
Move the NPC to a specific location
Run the following command to move the NPC to specific coordinates:
/npc teleport myNpc 127 61 347
The NPC should now be at the coordinates x=127 y=61 z=347
Modify NPCs skin
Run the following command to modify the NPCs skin:
/npc skin myNpc Notch
The NPCs skin should now be Notch's skin.