FancyPlugins Help

MineSkin API Key

When you have many npcs with skins (especially skins by file or url), you will notice that it takes a while once they are all loaded. The reason for that is the rate-limit by MineSkin. We use MineSkin to generate the necessary skin data. At the moment they have a limit of 10 skins per minute. Using an MineSkin API Key does increase the limit to 30 skins per minute. So if you have many skins, I recommend to get a MineSkin API key and use it.

How to get a MineSkin API Key

  1. Login on the MineSkin Website

  2. Click on the plus icon to create a new key

  3. Give the key a name (can be anything)

  4. Copy the key

  5. Open the plugins/FancyNpcs/config.yml config file

  6. Set the key at mineskin_api_key

  7. Restart the Minecraft server

Last modified: 11 March 2025